8 research outputs found

    Upotreba i prednosti proÅ”irene stvarnosti u međupredmetnom pristupu

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    No matter what subject is taught, making meaningful connections with the real world is always the ultimate goal. This paper provides an overview of the cross-curricular approach and available augmented reality history apps and the potential for utilising them in history classes. Also, it shows how a variety of theoretical approaches to learning and teaching with immersive technologies have been synthesised to create powerful learning scenarios that integrate History, foreign language learning, social studies, and science - math. This didactic approach with interdisciplinary connecting gives an overview on how to achieve higher quality educational goals and provide students with a different experience. Studentsā€™ experiences and reactions to this cross-curricular approach to learning were investigated. The aim is to assess the benefits of the cross-curricular approach using augmented reality while also recording the learning and behavioural outcomes that result from its implementation.Bez obzira na temu koja se poučava, stvaranje smislenih veza sa stvarnim svijetom uvijek je krajnji cilj. Ovaj rad daje pregled međupredmetnog pristupa i dostupnih aplikacija proÅ”irene stvarnosti za učenje povijesti te potencijala za njihovo koriÅ”tenje u nastavi povijesti. Također pokazuje kako su različiti teorijski pristupi učenju i poučavanju s imerzivnim/virtualnim tehnologijama sintetizirani kako bi se stvorili snažni scenariji učenja koji integriraju povijest, učenje stranih jezika, druÅ”tvene znanosti i prirodoslovlje - matematiku. Ovaj interdisciplinarni didaktički pristup ukazuje na mogućnosti postizanja kvalitetnijih obrazovnih ciljeva i pružanja drugačijeg iskustva učenicima. Istražena su iskustva i reakcije učenika na ovaj međupredmetni pristup učenju. Cilj je procijeniti prednosti međupredmetnog pristupa koristeći proÅ”irenu stvarnost, istodobno bilježeći ishode učenja i ponaÅ”anja koji proizlaze iz njegove primjene

    Primjena neizrazite logike u vođenju kotla

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    Application of fuzzy logic for solving the control problems of boiler room shown on the examples of water level control in boiler drum and combustion quality control is presented. Fuzzy control rules were extracted from operator knowledge based on the relative relevance ruling criteria for existing boiler room. Proposed fuzzy control model was adjusted for given problem with simplification of output variables in order to speed up final calculation.U radu je prikazana primjena neizrazite logike u rjeÅ”avanju zadaća vođenja kotlovskog postrojenja, na primjeru regulacije razine vode u bubnju kotla i regulacije kvalitete izgaranja. Neizrazita pravila su nastala kao rezultat znanja korisnika sustava vođenja (operatera), pravila su odabrana na osnovu kriterija relativnog značaja postojećeg kotlovskog postrojenja. Predloženi neizraziti model prilagođen je danom problemu uz pojednostavljenje izračuna izlaznih varijabli u cilju ubrzanja

    Adaptive fuzzy particle swarm optimization for flow-shop scheduling problem

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    Ovaj rad razmatra novi pristup problemu raspoređivanja u protočnoj proizvodnji koriÅ”tenjem kombinacije neizrazite logike i optimizacije rojevima čestica u cilju postizanja sub-optimalnog rjeÅ”enja. Predlaže se upotreba Tip-1 i Tip-2 modela neizrazite logike u kombinaciji s adaptivnim modelom rojeva čestica. Razvijeni model je uspoređen na standardiziranim testnim funkcijama za stohastičke algoritme (prvo jednokriterijske, a zatim viÅ”ekriterijske postavljene funkcije cilja) kako bi se utvrdila njegova upotrebljivost na opće postavljenim problemima. Zatim je testiran na standardiziranim testnim zadacima za probleme protočne proizvodnje te konačno na dva praktična problema protočne proizvodnje (linije montaže i linije pakiranja). Rezultati ostvareni novim modelom su uspoređeni s konvencionalnim pravilima prioriteta te je pokazan kvantitativan i kvalitativan napredak primjenom hibrida neizrazite logike i rojeva čestica.This paper describes the application of a hybrid of fuzzy logic and swarm intelligence in order to achieve sub-optimal solutions for flow-shop scheduling problem. A novel adaptive approach with fuzzy particle swarm optimization is proposed. The developed model is tested with the standardized test functions and compared with selected stochastic algorithms (first with one objective functions and later with multi objective functions) to determine its applicability to general problems. Benchmark examples were utilized to evaluate the approach and determine the optimal number of the algorithm evaluations. Finally, the proposed model is applied on two practical problems of flow production problems (assembly lines and packaging lines). The results achieved were compared with the conventional priority rules and the effectiveness of the application of hybrid fuzzy logic and adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm was demonstrated

    Towards a Safeguarding Concept of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Slavonia, Baranya and Syrmia ā€“ Aspects of Digitization, Processing, Conservation and Dissemination of Sound, Image and Shape

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    This paper is aimed at defining the concept of intangible cultural heritage in the context of safeguarding of speeches, customs, historical and traditional cultural assets of Slavonia, Baranya and Syrmia. Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Croatia is endangered and it is becoming extinct due to the influence of a number of factors. Since the formulation of the 1999 Act on the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Goods, intangible cultural heritage has been under special protection as goods of interest to the Republic of Croatia and 85 items have been listed as intangible cultural heritage in the Register of Cultural Goods of the Republic of Croatia so far. Intangible cultural heritage is the subject of scientific research, as well as a part of the tourist offer (knitting fishing nets, reconstruction of customs), and some craft activities (pottery, lace making, apiculture). However, the issues related to the sustainable development of intangible cultural heritage are numerous, the most important being the disorganized and insufficient documentation of intangible assets and dispersion of the collected documentation. This paper sets out to highlight the ways modern technology and scientific research can cooperate in the processing of intangible cultural assets, which seems to be the best and safest option for permanent preservation of intangible cultural heritage in its broadest sense. The preservation of intangible cultural heritage is regarded in this paper at four basic levels: the collection (digitization of data), the processing of data to the level of information, proper storage of data and information processed and the dissemination to final users. The vital step towards the realization of the goals is to gather all accessible data using modern technical tools and techniques. In the era of cloud computing and distributed data storage, it is necessary to provide sufficient data redundancy for permanent preservation, especially if such valuable information is in question. As an ultimate goal, it is necessary to disseminate the collected and preserved assets in a user-oriented manner, depending on the available and desired level of animation and technical knowledge of users

    Towards a Safeguarding Concept of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Slavonia, Baranya and Syrmia ā€“ Aspects of Digitization, Processing, Conservation and Dissemination of Sound, Image and Shape

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    This paper is aimed at defining the concept of intangible cultural heritage in the context of safeguarding of speeches, customs, historical and traditional cultural assets of Slavonia, Baranya and Syrmia. Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Croatia is endangered and it is becoming extinct due to the influence of a number of factors. Since the formulation of the 1999 Act on the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Goods, intangible cultural heritage has been under special protection as goods of interest to the Republic of Croatia and 85 items have been listed as intangible cultural heritage in the Register of Cultural Goods of the Republic of Croatia so far. Intangible cultural heritage is the subject of scientific research, as well as a part of the tourist offer (knitting fishing nets, reconstruction of customs), and some craft activities (pottery, lace making, apiculture). However, the issues related to the sustainable development of intangible cultural heritage are numerous, the most important being the disorganized and insufficient documentation of intangible assets and dispersion of the collected documentation. This paper sets out to highlight the ways modern technology and scientific research can cooperate in the processing of intangible cultural assets, which seems to be the best and safest option for permanent preservation of intangible cultural heritage in its broadest sense. The preservation of intangible cultural heritage is regarded in this paper at four basic levels: the collection (digitization of data), the processing of data to the level of information, proper storage of data and information processed and the dissemination to final users. The vital step towards the realization of the goals is to gather all accessible data using modern technical tools and techniques. In the era of cloud computing and distributed data storage, it is necessary to provide sufficient data redundancy for permanent preservation, especially if such valuable information is in question. As an ultimate goal, it is necessary to disseminate the collected and preserved assets in a user-oriented manner, depending on the available and desired level of animation and technical knowledge of users

    Application of expert systems for selection of installation pipes

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    Svako poduzeće želi smanjiti ukupne troÅ”kove proizvodnje, zadržati kvalitetu i poboljÅ”ati konkurentnost. Kroz kvalitetu proizvoda cilj je povećati broj kupaca, ali u isto vrijeme i učinkovitost i efikasnost. Stoga, svako poduzeće mora imati dobru organizacijsku strukturu, dobre stručnjake i znanja kako obaviti posao kvalitetno. Rad pokazuje primjenu ekspertnog sustava na problemu izbora instalacijskih cijevi prema zadanim atributima. Ulazni atributi su: mehanička opterećenja, materijal, boja, otpornost na vatru, dužina, pakiranje, raspon temperature i vanjski promjer; a izlazni parametar je tip cijevi za ugradnju. Ekspertni sustav može dati drugo miÅ”ljenje, jasna i detaljna objaÅ”njenja postupka zaključivanja. Imaju inteligentnu bazu podataka i mogućnost da usvajaju nova znanja, ali i nedostatak da koriste samo pohranjene podatke te preko njih stvaraju rjeÅ”enja. Stoga je nužnost vrÅ”iti promjene u bazi u skladu sa situacijom iz okruženja. Unatoč nedostacima ekspertnih sustava,oni postaju sve važniji za napredovanje poduzeća.The enterprises want to minimise the overall production costs, to maintain the quality and to increase the competitiveness on the market. It is possible to increase the number of customers, efficiency and effectiveness through the product quality. Therefore, every enterprise needs to have a good organisational structure, good experts and the knowledge how to do qualitative work. The paper shows the application of expert system to the problem of selection of installation pipes according to the given attributes. The input attributes are: mechanical load, material, colour, flame resistance, length, packaging, temperature range and outer diameter. The output parameter is the type of installation pipe. The expert system can give a second opinion, explicitly and in detail. They have the intelligent database and the possibility to adopt new knowledge, but also have a disadvantage that they use only the stored data to create solutions. Therefore, it is necessary to change the data according to a situation in the given environment. Despite the disadvantages of expert systems, their application is becoming increasingly important for the progress of enterprises

    Upotreba i prednosti proÅ”irene stvarnosti u međupredmetnom pristupu

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    No matter what subject is taught, making meaningful connections with the real world is always the ultimate goal. This paper provides an overview of the cross-curricular approach and available augmented reality history apps and the potential for utilising them in history classes. Also, it shows how a variety of theoretical approaches to learning and teaching with immersive technologies have been synthesised to create powerful learning scenarios that integrate History, foreign language learning, social studies, and science - math. This didactic approach with interdisciplinary connecting gives an overview on how to achieve higher quality educational goals and provide students with a different experience. Studentsā€™ experiences and reactions to this cross-curricular approach to learning were investigated. The aim is to assess the benefits of the cross-curricular approach using augmented reality while also recording the learning and behavioural outcomes that result from its implementation.Bez obzira na temu koja se poučava, stvaranje smislenih veza sa stvarnim svijetom uvijek je krajnji cilj. Ovaj rad daje pregled međupredmetnog pristupa i dostupnih aplikacija proÅ”irene stvarnosti za učenje povijesti te potencijala za njihovo koriÅ”tenje u nastavi povijesti. Također pokazuje kako su različiti teorijski pristupi učenju i poučavanju s imerzivnim/virtualnim tehnologijama sintetizirani kako bi se stvorili snažni scenariji učenja koji integriraju povijest, učenje stranih jezika, druÅ”tvene znanosti i prirodoslovlje - matematiku. Ovaj interdisciplinarni didaktički pristup ukazuje na mogućnosti postizanja kvalitetnijih obrazovnih ciljeva i pružanja drugačijeg iskustva učenicima. Istražena su iskustva i reakcije učenika na ovaj međupredmetni pristup učenju. Cilj je procijeniti prednosti međupredmetnog pristupa koristeći proÅ”irenu stvarnost, istodobno bilježeći ishode učenja i ponaÅ”anja koji proizlaze iz njegove primjene

    Primjena neizrazite logike u vođenju kotla

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    Application of fuzzy logic for solving the control problems of boiler room shown on the examples of water level control in boiler drum and combustion quality control is presented. Fuzzy control rules were extracted from operator knowledge based on the relative relevance ruling criteria for existing boiler room. Proposed fuzzy control model was adjusted for given problem with simplification of output variables in order to speed up final calculation.U radu je prikazana primjena neizrazite logike u rjeÅ”avanju zadaća vođenja kotlovskog postrojenja, na primjeru regulacije razine vode u bubnju kotla i regulacije kvalitete izgaranja. Neizrazita pravila su nastala kao rezultat znanja korisnika sustava vođenja (operatera), pravila su odabrana na osnovu kriterija relativnog značaja postojećeg kotlovskog postrojenja. Predloženi neizraziti model prilagođen je danom problemu uz pojednostavljenje izračuna izlaznih varijabli u cilju ubrzanja